Sunday, October 8, 2017

Timing Is Everything

The Zinsser Gardz did seal the wall. It was no longer sticky after I put one coat on. I touched it after about thirty minutes. No sticky goo. I then waited three hours as specified and applied the Zinsser 123 primer. I have one coat of that up. 

I had no place to scoot my couch except to the middle of the living room floor. So it is not easy to use the pole on my paint roller because I can't back up enough to clear the couch. So I have to go slow and really watch what I'm doing. 

I prepared the wall as best I could before today. But whoever painted the wall before I moved in did not do a good job. Nor did they properly sand and fill dents. It is what it is. 

I can see that I'm going to have to paint the adjacent wall. So I'll probably end up doing the whole living room. Ugh.

Boy, I'll be glad when this is done.

The other day my sister Marietta called. We hadn't talked in months. 

She likes to text and I don't. So we have to catch one another by phone, and kept missing each other. When we do talk it's for hours and hours until we're both exhausted and hungry.

It's so nice to have a sister. I like to hear what she's been up to. She tells me about her pets and I tell her about the pupsters. 

She's as much of a pet lover as I am. In fact she takes it upon herself to rescue pets that she thinks needs a home, and often ends up with more than she'd bargained for. I can only have two pets here where I live, but she lives in a small house. 

It would be so nice if we lived close to one another. Now we're in separate states. Maybe some day we'll get to meet one another. I look forward to that possibility.

The long days of rain have given the patio plants a real boost. Many flowers are blooming again, which is nice this time of year. 

Last year I can't recall whether flowers were still blooming. But I normally cut back plants for winter by now, so I don't think so. 

Now I'm glad I got behind, because I'm seeing this resurgence of beautiful blooms. And life is all about little daily pleasures.

Isn't it funny how things happen? And sometimes it seems planned?

Do you often remember your dreams? Lately my dreams have been very vivid. The other night Abi woke me up in the middle of a scary dream, and I was befuddled for a minute or two.

Abi wakes me up a lot till the wee hours, when she lets me sleep a bit more at a stretch. I just don't know why that is. But I'll take what I can get right now. 

Charlie is my easy dog and just sleeps whenever. Sometimes he wants out during the night, and will always go out when Abi does. He's my bright-eyed boy.

He likes to go out on the patio and sniff, sniff, sniff. It's so funny to watch him scurry so fast along the perimeters of the patio, his nose to the ground.

Abi never does that. They're so different. As different as my girls are.

Charlie's bad back is acting up. He's limping around. I found some medicine from a prior vet visit to give to him to try and help with the pain. Sometimes I have to help him up the stairs to the bed. 

We are one pitiful threesome!

I hope that this time next week I have my living room back. That the wall is fixed and painted and life is normal again. 

I love my bedroom, but I'd like to live in the rest of my apartment. My back is getting disagreeable half-sitting up on my bed all day. And the wall has been one long worry.

One thing I'm very thankful for is that my old bed didn't choose to break this past week. That it broke when it did and I have a new bed. 

I'd have been in a fine mess if it had broken when my living room is still out of commission.

The timing of the broken bed was just about perfect. And timing, as they say, is everything.

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