Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Still Some Blooms

Can you believe we are at the end of October? 

This morning I heard the resident ducks quacking. I don't know where they are though I hear them most every day. 

Sounds like the alley. But I've never actually seen them. 

It is clear that Jade the tree is entering her fall phase. You can see her leaves shadowed on the fence.

We had cold temperatures over the weekend. But many of my flowers are still hanging tough on the patio, much to my delight. 

The stems are drying up, proving that they're on their last legs. But I'll enjoy the blooms while I can.


I'm a bit under the weather and am going into the doctor's office this morning. I can't get in to see my doctor on such short notice, but the nurse has a 15 minute opening for me.

Abi will as always fight me at the door. I guess she thinks if she bites my shoe, it will somehow change the fact that obviously I am going somewhere. 

Happens every time with Charlie barking frantically in the background. Just another normal day around here.

Happy Halloween!

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