Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday Minutiae

It rained most of Saturday night. I find it so peaceful to sleep with rain pounding on the roof. I always sleep well during thunderstorms.

Yesterday the sun was bright and there was just the faintest of breezes. 

Do you ever take baths with Aveeno? I've been doing that lately. I get in the bathtub, turn on the water to a warm temperature, and slowly sprinkle the powder under the faucet. 

I relax in the water for 10-15 minutes. And in that time my skin becomes so soft from the oatmeal mix. It relaxes me before bed. 

Lately I've been a lot of veggie meals. Though I'm not normally a big bread eater, I've been adding hot rolls to my meals.

I've recently discovered the best hot rolls from my grocery store. They are in the frozen food section, and come 10 to a bag. 

These hot rolls taste more like freshly baked hot rolls than any I've found.  

If you love rolls that have that definite taste of yeast, try these. 

(Note: I went to the website, and it says these are not gluten-free products. I don't have a problem with gluten. But I know lots of people do.)

I put 1-2 rolls in my Breville Oven while I'm baking a potato in the microwave. In 10 minutes I've got a meal.

I've never heard of Sister Schubert's before. But I looked up their website if you want to see if anyone in your city sells their products. You can find it here.

I've been spending time searching online for new ideas for my patio. I love to learn, so research is fun for me. And I will be able to show you even more ways to create an oasis in the city.

Don't despair if you only have a small outdoor space. A balcony, a patio, a courtyard. There is plenty you can do to garden and enjoy nature in a small space. 

I walk around my patio from time to time with a tape measure measuring and thinking and planning. 

I'm so grateful for my patio space where I can garden to my heart's content. Where the dogs can sit with me and watch the critters.

There's just nothing like the peace I feel digging in the dirt and planting. Then watching as the plants transform my patio space.

I listen to the birds and gaze at my plants and almost forget that I'm living in the city.  

I've decided to name the tree Jade. It is the name of the tree type (Jade Butterfly) and something I can remember!

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