Saturday, October 14, 2017

Johnny Jump Ups & Trees Removed

I've really wanted pansies or Johnny Jump Ups. I didn't get any in the spring like I normally do, and I missed their cute little pixie faces. So yesterday I got out and got myself one pot of Johnny Jump Ups.

The tree removal guys, which turned out to be about a half dozen men, worked on the two trees for hours. To get the one down that was between my yard and the guy's yard behind me, it took about three hours of six men working. 

They left the stumps. I asked them if they could bring one of those machines in to churn up the stumps. They said no, because there is an electrical transformer right outside my gate.

About that time, I was so nervous with the dogs barking and the branches I feared would fall on my patio plants, that I got in my car and went to run a few errands.

Once I got home, around 2 p.m., I saw that the second tree was down and the tree men were gone. I called the manager and told her the maintenance man could start putting the fence back up. 

It took him hours to take three fence sections and a gate down. So I was worried he wouldn't get it back up. And guess what? He didn't. 

So I wonder if the fence will remain unfinished until Monday. Oh joy. The dogs refused to go out all day because of the weirdness and machinery.

This is the guy that you very rarely see without a cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth. I've heard they're not supposed to smoke on the job.

I hate cigarettes. Those cancer sticks have killed so many people. I realize that no one makes someone smoke. But people become addicted to them.

Addiction of any variety is such a problem in this country.

I've lived with an alcoholic, so I know what addictions do to your family. What havoc it wreaks. 

Alcoholics, in my experience, always have an excuse for their bad behavior. They don't remember anything.

How many times have I heard that tired old phrase?

You seethe with resentment, but they can't remember their behavior, so you try to hold your anger in. Until you just can't do it anymore.

After I left Texas, my ex drank himself into a stupor at work one day. At the hospital where he was a doctor! 

We were divorced four months by then and I was living here. He ended up with alcohol poisoning and of course was fired.

He was so intelligent and talented in his field. But he could not shake his demons. After years of being married, he finally told me that he'd been drinking since med school. He said he had to drink to handle all the pressure and stay awake for nights on end.

I was just shocked by this admission.

I didn't understand, until close to the end, that some people can drink and still seem to function. Even at work. I truly thought if you were that drunk, then you'd be passed out. I was wrong. 

Horrified and wrong.

His girlfriend (now his wife) was living with him, so I guess she got to handle that one. I was so relieved to be gone.

It was all over the news and so of course I heard about it. I wondered how I had lived so many years with him and not realized that much of the time, he was drunk? 

How could I not have known?

That was the most scary and troublesome relationship of my life. 

The fear and the humiliation one can suffer when living with an alcoholic is something I finally escaped. 

And I have never looked back. 

I hope you have a good weekend. And I sincerely hope there is no one at your house drinking through the many football games and making your life miserable. 

If there is, I truly know and feel your pain.

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