Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Having To Pace Myself

If I'd had any idea when I tore the wallpaper down over two weeks ago that I would still be without my living room this far down the line, I doubt I'd have taken this project on. But live and learn.

My ankle is giving me a lot of trouble. I overdid it over the weekend. So now it's plunge forth and paint walls or be able to stand up to prepare food for myself and the pupsters. 

But this is the reality I live with, so I have to curb my desire to get this project done.

I have painted the one wall. I have taken care of he "sticky goo" residue left from the wallpaper. (I highly recommend Zinsser Gardz if you come upon this problem. Because it was the ONLY thing that worked.)

In terms of that problematic glue residue, while taking down the wallpaper in the first place and preparing the wall for the Zinsser, I felt mildly nauseous. I think something in the glue must have caused me to feel this way and I wanted to be sure to relate that. 

I'm putting this out there because I want to warn others. I very rarely feel nauseous, so it was memorable. I don't know what's in that glue, but I won't be dealing with that kind of thing again. If something makes you feel sick, you need to stay away from it.

After looking at the one painted wall the last few days, I can see I need to sand one area of that wall and at least paint that one small area again. It really needs a complete second coat, but that just may not be in the cards right now. 

I have filled nail holes, etc., in the other walls in the living room, in preparation to paint. I know I need to tape the ceiling where it meets the wall. I didn't do that with the first wall, and you can see the overlap where the white paint shades differ. 

Getting back on the step ladder does not seem feasible right now. Which is stalling this project. I guess I need to be thankful that I finally figured out how to get the goo off the wall and slow down. 

But I'm living and eating in my bedroom. Things are shoved willy-nilly all over my apartment and that is aggravating because I'm accustomed to being able to look for and find things quickly. 

Yesterday it took me awhile to locate my camera!

 (The purple sweet potato vine is finally blooming)

I also need to get a piece of white trim to separate the living space and the dining space. What was up there will not work now. It looks strange because there is trim about halfway up the wall of the dining space that just abruptly stops. So this will have to be done.

That's on my to-do list. I hope I can get it cut at the store because I don't own sawing tools. However it seems more pressing to get all the walls painted before I think much about that.

I truly wish I could get this project done and take photos to show you. But right now I'm having to sit to even get photos out on the patio.

I shall prevail with this project. It just may won't be at the pace in which I did things before.

One step at a time. I just had no way to know how this project was going to take on a life of its own. 

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