Well, it's now clear that the Dawn/vinegar/hot water method of removable is not going to work on the "goo wall." I have never seen such a residue in my life.
I should have gone to the Limitless Walls website and looked up the section for removing the wallpaper; stupid me. I assumed that removable wallpaper meant you just peeled it off.
Note to self: Never make assumptions.
On the website, it does not say that you can easily remove this stuff or that it won't damage the wall. It tells you that you can use a hair dryer or iron to warm up the adhesive. Or you can apply mayonnaise to it.
Who on earth would apply that much mayonnaise to a wall, I ask you? You would have to have a huge supply of mayonnaise for just my one wall. Oh what fun!
Just thinking about ironing the whole wall makes my eyes cross.
Well, I obviously didn't have sense enough to go to the website for information or I'd have realized this was going to be a painstaking process. Live and learn.
Someone said to try De-Solv-It. I looked it up to see if I could have it delivered, but no one seemed to have it in stock for mailing. I read online that they had it at the ACE around the corner, so I went there yesterday.
I found that they had a different De-Solv-It for more serious problems. Contractor's De-Solv-It. Roughly $10 for a 12 ounce spray bottle. If it works, I wonder how much I will need?
So I bought that and a brush to go on my extension pole that I bought last week for painting. (Twenty more bucks for this wallpaper removal project.)
I got on the step ladder about three times Saturday, but my ankle is giving me lots of grief. I just can't do the climbing. Hard enough just standing there. So let's hope this brush on the long extender will get the wallpaper goo up close to the ceiling.
I had to rest up once I got home from Ace. So I'm starting this morning with the new stuff.
Will keep you updated. At this rate, I don't know when I'll have the darn wall painted and my living room back.
Meanwhile there is a fly/flying something-or-other inside that I cannot seem to zap with my zapper that looks like a tennis racket. And Abi cries in the bathtub where she scratches at the tub furiously, which is her usual response to flying insects being indoors.
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