Sunday, October 22, 2017

Cleaning Up & Watching Outdoor Critters

I spent yesterday morning cleaning up the patio. Though I've worked on it for days, there still is a lot to do to prepare for fall. 

Many of the plants simply needed to be cut back because they were getting stringy and out of hand.

It is a task I enjoy. I roll around on my 20 year old plastic garden cart and snip away. It is relaxing to tidy up, enjoy the birdsong, and cross some of the tasks off my list.

I also transplanted the Jade Butterfly tree. I rolled it all over the patio. Then put it where you see it above. 

I wanted to be able to see it from where I sit on the couch with the dogs. I also love watching the curious yard birds hopping all around it. They are so entertaining.

Charlie hops down from the couch every time a squirrel comes to the bird bath to get a drink.

The squirrels seems to delight in taunting him. They typically turn their backs to Charlie which drives him crazy. 

Someone mentioned that I should name the tree. What name do you think would be appropriate? Let's name the Jade Butterfly tree!

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