Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Almost There

Yesterday I got most of the painting done. Or as much as I'm going to do right now. I stopped short of painting right up to the ceiling, so at some point I will need to get up on a stepladder to finish that. 

And I didn't paint both above and under the window. That will have to come later when I'm rested up.

I also sanded the wall where I had to repair an area of the sheet rock. I didn't sand very deep because I could see that the Zinsser Gardz seal was flaking up. So I just cleaned it up and painted over it. 

Maybe I didn't do it right, the fixing of the sheet rock. It's not like I've ever done this before. I just put layers of spackling over the torn area and let it dry. Then I painted over it.

I also got the trim at Lowes and got it painted. I don't have that up yet.

I don't like to leave things unfinished. But common sense prevails.

They tell me that the tree guy will be on the property at the end of the week. The manager does not know where he will start first, as there are other trees at other apartments that he will have to deal with as well.

She said the maintenance guy will have to take the fence down on two sides. I sure hope he will be able to get them back up that day so I can let the dogs out. But I'm not getting my hopes up on that.

Below is what one tree/fence looks like. See how much of a gap there is between the end of the apartment and the tree? The dogs will be able to get through that before long.

My son-in-law put the chicken wire on the other side, as that was the spot that was gaping then. But that tree is growing very fast and now the gaps are on both sides of the tree. 

It is the bottom of the tree, which is not in the photo, that is pushing the fence out. At one point they had apparently affixed the fence to the tree toward the top to keep the fence standing. But it is beyond that point now.

Why they let this problem get so out of hand is beyond me. Doesn't make a lot of business sense to me. The longer you let a problem persist the more it usually costs you to fix it.

I sort of have my living room back in order. Hopefully I will have some pics in a few days.

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