Friday, October 13, 2017

A Temporary Fence & A Long Chat

So Teri came around noon. We introduced ourselves. She sat down and we started talking. 

And we talked. And talked.
Abi turned on the "charm." Charlie was his quiet sweet self. They were so happy to be in the company of a dog lover.

The apartment manager called and said the maintenance man would be coming to tear down the patio fence for the tree guy. I began to fret about the dogs not being able to go out.
My son-in-law had left the remainder of the chicken wire. So we got it unrolled and stretched it across the patio.

We nailed one end to my red potting bench. The other side we nailed to the fence that I share with the neighbor behind me.

Hours passed and we realized that we were starving. We drove just around the corner to the Sonic and picked up burgers. And came back and sat at my table and ate them.

Then we talked. And talked some more. 

Until my apartment was starting to fill with shadows and we were just about talked out.

Nothing got painted. That can happen another day. 

But we had a good time. I have a temporary fence while they take down the trees, which I'm not sure I could have handled by myself.

And next week I'll introduce her to my favorite antique mall. 

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