Friday, September 8, 2017

Weather & Light

The days are changing a bit. It has been in the sixties at night. Then it climbs up to around 90 during the day.

That's a vast improvement over 100 degree days. But then it might come back at any time.

I tend to keep the TV on during the day, keeping an eye on the hurricane heading to Florida. Whereas just a few weeks ago, it was Texas. 

Wow, such powerful weather.

I hope, if you are a reader in this area, that you have taken precautions to be safe. Looks like a wild ride ahead.

I notice this tree has some golden leaves. 

I haven't heard anything about what they will do about the trees on the patio. Oh, I've asked. I just don't get an answer.

It is amazing how fast those trees are growing and pushing against the fences!

Someone emailed that folks really should have a stash of water and food in case of emergency. What has happened in Texas and what is about to happen in Florida sure makes you think of such things.

What would you do if you couldn't get out for a week or more? Or if the store shelves were bare?

I really don't have space to store much. Maybe some bottled water. But then I hate to pay for bottled water. Guess I will keep it in mind.

I do keep a flashlight near my bed with decent batteries in it. 

But when you think about it, you would need cash in case places couldn't take credit cards. You'd need your important papers. (I keep mine in a small safe that won't burn up.)

All kinds of things come into play. So it's certainly something to think about. Having some of these things before a tragedy happens could really make your life easier.

Stay safe, wherever you may be. I can't imagine having to leave my home and go stay somewhere I'm not familiar. Though you don't really get much choice about these things. 

Better to be safe than sorry.

Can you imagine going somewhere to weather the storm, then coming home to a bunch of debris? Oh, how awful that would be.

I hope none of you have that happen. I'm thinking about you as this next weather disaster approaches land.

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