Thursday, September 7, 2017

Cooler Weather & Breville Oven Working Again

The weather has been cooler the past day or so. My air conditioning didn't even come on yesterday until noon. Which is something.

I think it's supposed to be cooler all week. And I shall enjoy each and every day of it. 

I've spent more time reading lately. I'm trying to get off the computer and turn off the news and not stew over what's going on in the world as much. 

There's so much going on. First one big hurricane/storm. Now another. I sure feel for all these folks. I've always wanted to live near the water. But this weather gives me pause.

This butterfly stayed on the purple gazing ball for quite some time. Not sure what it was doing. 

The gazing ball sure looks dirty. Maybe I need to clean it and then paint it, as it's looking pretty nicked up. 

I've never painted a gazing ball. Wonder what kind of spray paint I'd need? I'd want it to be nice and shiny.

The sedum autumn joy blooms are changing color. Which they do every year about this time. It means fall is on its way.

I have good news about my Breville Smart Oven. One of you suggested that I unplug it and see if it would reset. I thought I'd already done that, but maybe not. 

Or maybe I unplugged it and didn't leave it unplugged long enough.

Anyway, I unplugged it and plugged it back in after a short time, and it's all fixed! Yea! Thank you for the suggestion!

Speaking of comments, someone said they were disappointed that I'm not decorating for fall. You never know. I may yet come up with something. 

But if I do more, then I'm planning on a more natural look. Like things from nature rather than the faux things I already have.

Also, I'm planning to do a series on building and layering vignettes. 

Someone else asked me recently to do a post on vignettes. And I'm thinking I might just do a room by room series.

I figure if I'm not going all out for fall decor, then I will take this time to address other decorating concerns instead. If you have a decorating topic that you want me to write about, just let me know and I'll look into it.

If you have a suggestion for the vignette series, please let me know in the comments or email me.

Got a pic of Abi, but Charlie wasn't cooperating this time. Charlie is very busy outdoors sniffing and watching for squirrels.

The cooler weather has been very pleasant. Unusual and pleasant. I'm not accustomed to weather cooling off early in September. 

What kind of weather are you having in your neck of the woods?

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