Wednesday, August 30, 2017

A Strange Occurrence

Yesterday I decided I'd better get out and get some groceries, pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy, and get gas before it goes up too much. 

First I went to the pharmacy. There was a Honda in front of me. But the car wasn't in the drive-thru lane. It was up right to it, but not in the lane. I couldn't get around it. What to do?

I sat there for a few minutes, debating my choices. Was someone hurt inside the car? I couldn't see anything from behind. 

Was there something strange going on? Like maybe a robbery? And they were blocking anyone getting to the window? (I have a vivid imagination I suppose.)

Should I get out and see if whoever it was needed help?

I got out of my car and approached the driver's door, albeit a bit hesitantly. You never know if someone is carrying a gun and you might get shot for your effort. 

Yet what if someone had had a heart attack or something and was slumped down in the seat?

I had to knock on the window, as the woman was turned the other way. Then I saw that she was on her phone. What the heck?

She put a finger up, as if to say "just a minute."

After a short time she ended the call and rolled down the window. "I was on an important phone call," she said. 

I stood there kind of in shock. I was having to switch from scared mode to irritated-as-heck mode fast.

She didn't want anyone to get ahead of her in the drive-thru lane, it appeared, but she wasn't ready to go through it. So she thought it was okay to block the lane to others and sit there on the phone?

People never fail to surprise me anymore. 

I said: "I thought you might be hurt and I came to help."

No, she was just on the phone, she said. She didn't see me behind her.

She wasn't looking.

Why didn't she pull into a parking space to conduct her important phone call? I wanted to ask her. But I didn't. I kept my mouth shut and walked back to my car.

I don't go out much. I hadn't been out in a week. 

I don't like traffic. I don't like crowds. 

And I can't stand rude people.

I had gotten out of my vehicle to help her and that's all she had to say? Had she been raised in a barn?

What would you have done?

I am so happy to see strangers helping one another in Texas however. All manner of wonderfully heartwarming deeds of kindness.

It does my heart good to see all the folks rescuing animals too. I'm so, so grateful to them. 

Just goes to show you that there is still immense good in this world.

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