Sunday, May 14, 2017

My Early Mother's Day Lunch

My daughter came and took me to lunch yesterday for Mother's Day. 

We went to Red Lobster. I hadn't been there in ages. I'd forgotten how scrumptious those biscuits were!

Then she had errands to run. And I had pupsters wanting their lunch. So she brought me home and went on with her day.

Andrew was home with his dad after soccer practice.

Abi's newest thing is to go in the bedroom in the afternoon, and either be under the bed or at the foot of the bed, and moan and cry. 

I think she wants me to go back there. That, or she's mad because I'm still on my laptop and she wants attention.

Charlie is such a normal dog. He just gets in his red bed on the couch and sleeps with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

Abi gets her teeth cleaned next week. They get their teeth cleaned more often than I do! 

But I try to take good care of my pupsters. And with her gums infected, it was Dr. Wendy's recommendation.

No rain yesterday. It was nice and sunny outside. I worked out on the patio trimming and doing maintenance to my container plants. 

I enjoy that quiet time. It is when I get a lot of thinking done. The pupsters usually sit in the chairs and watch me. 

I trim plants and dead-head flowers in peace and quiet, except for the sound of the birds in the trees overhead.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day! 


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