Friday, December 16, 2016

Decorating Trends & My Opinion

It is what you might call a bitterly cold day. It really seems strange to me that we almost literally went from it being hot to it being cold. And no in between. 

Decorating Trends I'm Reading About...

I've read that in 2017, the color yellow is going to be strong. Well, I'm all for that, though I don't typically put much stock in "trend predictions." 

Because yellow is a happy color. It lightens a room. 

Decorating Trends That Don't Appeal To Me...

I don't think there are any rights or wrongs when it comes to decorating one's home. It's simply a matter of what you like. 

There are some that I don't happen to like. But this is merely a personal opinion.

I won't be showing photos because I don't want to offend anyone.
1. Placing curtain rods way above a window

Yes, I know it is supposed to make the room look taller. But to me it doesn't do that. It just makes it stand out on the wall.

2. Birch logs in containers as decor

I know the "woodland" look is quite popular. And no one loves nature more than I do.

But I just don't understand a basket of birch logs, say, on a night stand. It doesn't seem plausible to me. 

 3. Staged shoes in a room

This simply looks too staged to me. You know no woman in her right mind would leave her shoes in the floor when she cleans, for instance. 

Of course, these are often snow shoes, or outdoor shoes. Once again, just doesn't seem realistic to me. 

Addressing A Comment...

A reader mentioned something that happens to be quite true. I write about getting rid of "stuff", yet I still buy "stuff."

Yes, this is a problem. 

I can walk into a store and pass right by clothing as though it isn't there. 

I can walk into a store and pass right by home decor items or furniture that are not on sale and not give it a look.

But put an item on sale and I will stop to peruse it. Perhaps it is the psychology of "getting a good deal." 

If I think I am getting a great deal, I hate to pass it up. 

Instead of buying one wonderful big piece, I am wont to choose a bunch of "littles" because they are so cheap.

And on another note, yes, I do feel that, being considered a "home and garden" blogger, or at least being listed in that genre, that I have to come up with something different to show you. 

You need to fit into some genre to appeal to sponsors that can potentially help you make money. And this is my income. Or most of it. So that is quite important in the big scheme of things.

It's not fun to see the same thing over and over again unless it's photos of the pupsters. And they're so entertaining, it doesn't much matter that they basically look the same in every photo.

Have you ever seen a more earnest look?
So yes, I do feel that, especially living in such a small space, and especially when it's too cold to be gardening, that I need to come up with different or new things to show you.

I will have to work on that. It's on my "to-do" list.

Decorate A Room...

This is another idea I have for the new year. 

If someone wants help in decorating a room, I say they send me a photo. I will put it on this blog. And we will all give our ideas of what we'd do to solve whatever problem is put forth. 

What do you think?

My Decorating Dilemma...

I struggle with my living room window. I tend to keep the blinds closed because the window is just so gosh darn ugly. 

The kind that has the diamond etchings on the glass. 

It always looks dirty no matter how many times it is cleaned. They have the silver aluminum encasing them. They look cheap because they are cheap.

Plus,my window view looks out on ugly bushes, the maintenance man's shed, and a parking lot. Nothing whatsoever in terms of a pretty view. 

Though I very much need the light from that window, I hate to look at the windows. So I tend to cover them.

If anyone has any ideas to remedy this, please tell me in the comments.

Do you have a decorating dilemma you'd like to put forth? 

Oh, and I know I'm not showing many photos of my apartment lately. That's because it's in a state of "in flux." When things are properly in place, I will take photos.

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