Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Change Is Inevitable...

I've been working on a painting project. I'll show you when I'm done. Then I'm probably starting another. 

Charlie goes back to his regular vet on Wednesday and they will then probably send him to a specialist. From what I can tell, his eye doesn't appear to be getting better after his surgery. They've seen him once since.

Hoping for better news on that front. 

Have you ever watched the Clint Eastwood movie Gran Torino?

Well, I seldom take two hours to watch a movie. But a few weeks ago it happened to be on while I was doing my yoga floor exercises. So I ended up watching it all the way through. 

I love movies that evolve into someone learning something about themselves. Clint Eastwood is a grumpy old man who is bigoted, and over the course of the movie comes to accept other races/cultures. 

Though I was a bit bothered by the racial slurs he used in the beginning, I hoped that the lesson taught made up for some of that.

It happened to be on yesterday and I watched the second half of it again. If you haven't seen it, check into it. It's been around for some time.

It's still hot here in Oklahoma. The weather here doesn't seem to understand that we're on the eve of November. Maybe we'll still be using air conditioning on Thanksgiving!

I received some supplies I ordered from Amazon for bullet journaling, but I haven't had a chance to dig in yet. After some of these projects I'm working on are finished, I suppose. 

I'm still pinning on my Bullet Journaling Board on Pinterest.

I'm doing laundry right now. The pupsters are in the chair with me. Abi is curled up in my lap and Charlie is on the ottoman. My babies are never far from my side.

Is there any creature more loyal than a dog?

I'm still in the midst of purging. Every few days I go into my closets in my bedroom and see if there's something else that can go. 

Space is at a premium so I need to figure out ways to move things about to make better use of the space I have, or get rid of more. 

Seems like I just get that done and before I know it things are all piled up again...

I headed out to Woodward Park with my camera last week. But when I got there, I saw that none of the leaves were turning, so I didn't even bother to stop. I'll try again next week probably. 

I always love to get photos there in the fall and again in the springtime.

As you all probably know by now, we lost blogger Pat of Back Porch Musings in September. What a loss it was too. That woman was truly a class act if ever there was one.

(I dedicated this to her...)

Since then I've been rethinking a lot of things when it comes to blogging. Like what has happened to the camaraderie we bloggers used to have. 

Bloggers don't seem to be commenting on one another's blogs like we did years ago. Everything seems to be about social media.

Yes, I know time changes everything. But it seems to me it shouldn't be all about business.

The more I thought of Pat and how we knew each other years ago and how things were back then, the more I thought: Why does it have to change if there are still many of us who don't want it to?

So I started digging around on blog rolls looking for bloggers I'd somehow lost touch with. Bloggers that used to visit me and I visited them. 

And in doing so, I feel like I've found some old friends. It makes me smile when I recall old friendships I've somehow let slip through the sands of time.

Losing Pat brought back a lot of memories of days gone by. I don't want to lose track of people, because you never know when you might lose them, or they you. 

So I guess the moral of this story is: Don't let time pass you by and forget old friends. Time is fleeting, and it's one thing money can't buy. 

So use it wisely and judiciously.

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