Friday, June 24, 2016

On Living Alone

I think there is a misconception about living alone. There is a vast difference between being alone and being lonely. Miles and miles of vastness.

I was far more lonely in a dead marriage that had not yet been declared dead and properly buried. 

Being alone is having solitude. It's sitting outside and just watching the birds. 

I find that I very much need that.

So here are some of the best reasons I like living alone:

1. Eating What You Want, When You Want

I have eaten Chinese tofu and vegetables for three nights. I will eat it again tonight. 

I like knowing there is a meal for me in the fridge. I don't care if I've eaten it for a week. I simply heat it up and put it all together in a big bowl with white rice and sit in front of the TV and fork it in.

2. Taking Leisurely Baths 

I never liked sharing a bathroom. I can't seem to properly relax when I can hear someone walking around outside the door either. 

I like to know I can soak as long as I want, as often as I want. And no one else will be waiting for the tub.

I like to lie in a bathtub in cool water and just chill, literally.

3. Decorate However I Want With No One To Object When I Change Things Up

Men hate it when you move furniture around. But I could no more stop moving furniture around than stop breathing. I am an inveterate furniture rearranger. 

Always have been. Always will be. I would die of boredom if I had to look at the same arrangement for years.

4. Having Just Pets As House Mates

Abi and Charlie are everything to me. Right now I am glancing over at Charlie asleep on the couch. His tongue now hangs out the side of his mouth a lot because he's down to two teeth. 

I find this very endearing. And I see him as more vulnerable. I can't help but smile because I would conquer a bear to protect my babies.

Not everyone likes to sleep with dogs. I happen to think it's grand.

5. Enjoying Coffee In A Peaceful & Meditative Place

Mornings are almost sacred to me. I love mornings. I love brewing coffee and sitting down and just taking in that rich aroma before my first sip. 

It is my favorite part of the day.

You just can't beat a good cup of coffee.

6. I Can Happily Be Compulsively Compulsive

You can count on knowing what I'm doing by looking at the clock. The dogs know when I'm about to head to the bedroom for evening stretches. After which I will bathe, feed them and then myself.

I like knowing the towels will stay perfectly folded. I like to know the dishes are all washed and put up before I go to bed. 

I don't like messes, clothes thrown in the floor, toothpaste caps left off, or toilet lids left up.

7. I Can Go To Bed When I Want To Or Read Far Into The Night

There's no one around to irritate because I'm staying up a bit later than usual. No one to tiptoe around so I don't wake them. 

I don't like getting jostled by someone else while I'm trying to sleep. 

I typically stick to schedule. But sometimes instead of reading my Kindle I will watch endless Law & Order reruns. 

I don't know anyone else who likes endless Law & Order reruns. I love their back-to-back marathons on Wednesday.

Okay, that is my list. Seven has always been my favorite number, so I guess it's best to stop there. I could come up with a dozen more reasons why I prefer my own company.

With Asperger's, I need lots of quiet. I can't function well if there are constant diversions or noise. 

But to each his/her own.

Why do you prefer living alone, or prefer living with someone else?

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