Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sometimes You Just Need Flowers

After a very cold and gray weekend, I woke up yesterday morning needing flowers. 

I went to run a few errands and went to Trader Joe's. I've always loved the combination of yellow and red together.

It makes me smile every time I walk through the dining space and see the colors gathered in the white pitcher.

The maintenance man had to fix some holes in my bathroom wall. So while he was here, he took off the huge outdated mirror.

At first he encountered some globs of glue that held it to the wall, and worried it was going to be difficult. But it broke off in two pieces and he took it away.

He then patched the holes of drywall, getting it ready for me to paint.

Hopefully my vanity will arrive on Friday, and I can get to painting the walls. 

As several of you mentioned to me, I asked the manager if they might give me credit for all the work I'm doing, but they said no. 

That's okay. I'm plunging ahead anyway. We all deserve to look at pretty things. It just plain makes life easier.

It was quite cold here. Today it is a bit warmer. But the wind is rattling the wind chimes on the patio. 

I got to thinking: what would you call the sound of wind blowing in Oklahoma? I'll let you know when it comes to me!

The pupsters of course were upset with me for leaving them. Abi barked and had fits. 

Charlie is staring out the window with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

Mama's little cutie pie. He sits there and barks at anything moving until I shush him.

Sometimes I just need my pupsters, who give me unconditional love. And flowers to give cheer to a cold winter day.

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