Monday, January 2, 2017

Day 2: First Closet Finished

This is where the pupsters spent their time while I was purging and decluttering the closet. See Charlie's tongue? Heavens, how could you miss it!

This is what you saw yesterday morning. I worked on and off until it was done. Just took a few hours really.

I hauled about 6 big black lawn bags of "stuff" to the corner dumpster. I used my vintage wagon from the patio to get the bags there, as they were heavy.

It isn't perfect. But it's good for now. 

My yoga mat is there to the left with my rolled up towel. That's my stretching equipment I use twice per day.

In the plastic containers, I have lots of sewing things like thread and my little collection of pin cushions. Ribbon and laces. My sewing kit.

The many paintings and things I took off the walls are either in a plastic bin or just slipped in here and there.

I'm not crazy about the red bin filled with things I took off the walls, but it's okay for now. I need to decide what I will use in the future and what I will donate. I wasn't ready to do that yet.

I have various pairs of sneakers in the laundry tub. 

The rest of my shoes are in boxes stacked high in the other closet. Though I never get to wear them, due to my ankle.

That closet is next on my list and just a few feet down from this one.

I don't have a ton of clothes. Clothes don't mean much to me. 

Although I did make a stab at doing fashion posts, I'm sure you recall!

Sorry. I just couldn't get excited about clothes or fashion. It just isn't me.

And here are Charlie and Abi again. I think they were scared listening to all the noise. There were sounds of breaking glass once or twice. 

So they were pressed close together to weather the storm!

I think you should give yourself a small gift once you finish a purging project. Mine was to sit with the pupsters and watch the new Tiny House shows on HGTV.

Did you get anything done yesterday?

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