Friday, January 27, 2017

Creative Visualization Technique For Relaxation

This is the creative visualization technique I use before sleep. (I have added some of my garden photos from last year because looking at photos of flowers and nature is relaxing to me.)

First I allow my mind to roam a bit after I turn off the lights, because otherwise thoughts will intrude on my visualization. I get my fidgeting out of my system by breathing deeply.

I allow myself maybe 4-5 minutes.

I suggest that you come up with the most relaxing place you could envision yourself. Then go from there in your mind. I will explain my perfect place fully, and then you can switch mine with yours.

I love water. I love rain. So I envision the same thing I envisioned 20 years ago. 

I am in a house right on the beach. It is night time. There is a thunderstorm. I am on a screened-in porch with the windows open, the curtains swaying in the breeze.

There is a massage table in this darkened room. I lie down on it and there is a woman there to give me a massage. 

Now this is where you learn to relax.

I allow myself to actually hear the noises of the waves lapping up to shore, the thunder and rain pounding down. I can see lightning zig zagging at the opened windows. I smell the fresh scent of the rain.

It is important to fully smell and hear and feel these things.

The woman begins by massaging my scalp. 

Think being at the beauty shop where they're washing your hair and how relaxing it is to lie back while someone massages your scalp.

Now as you are "feeling" this, really allow yourself to feel it.

After a few minutes of massaging my scalp, she then works down to my neck. Then shoulders and arms. Then my back and on down to my toes. 

I let this happen slowly, so that I can fully feel each part of my body relax.

I allow the feelings of peace and tranquility to fill my mind while listening to the ocean waves, the rain pounding on the roof, and the thunder in the distance. 

I smell and breathe the rain from the open windows.

After maybe 10 minutes, the woman walks away and I'm lying on this table, fully relaxed. I am focused on my body feeling so light and the smells and sounds that have relaxed me. 

I am fully in the moment.

Once I reach this point in my creative visualization, I realize that I am actually breathing more slowly. My body is so relaxed. 

What I have imagined has brought me to this point of having zero tension left in my body. 

Soon thereafter, I am asleep.

Now, this might not be your idea of the most relaxing place you could be. 

But you need to find that place in your imagination and also have something occur, such as the massage, that takes the tension out of your body. 

Imagine the smells you love to smell, such as the rain for me, and the things you love to hear.

Your imagination is a very powerful tool. If you fully immerse yourself in your thoughts and not think about anything else, it will relax you. Your mind has that power. 

So give it a try and let me know what happened. If it succeeded in relaxing you.

I Googled creative visualization and this is the first site that popped up. I did not read it in its entirety, but I scanned it. 

Their steps are different than mine, in that they focus on one object.

Mine is my own creation, and it works for me.

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