Thursday, December 29, 2016

Lunch, Books, Plans & Pupsters

It is sunny and bright today. A beautiful landscape of sky and clouds. I think I hear a mockingbird squawking outside.

All the leaves are now off the trees and scattered in piles on the patio. Guess I need to borrow a leaf blower and clean it up soon.

My Living Room Walls Now...

Here is the wall that was a gallery wall when you last saw it...

There's just one long horizontal painting, the one that's been there for awhile. And alongside it two of my own enlarged photos that were on another wall. 

Here is the adjacent wall...

I can't believe I now have a grand total of five things on my living room walls. Don't think that's ever happened! 

Lunch With Daughter Yesterday...

My daughter picked me up and we went to a favorite Chinese restaurant for lunch. Then we drove around town, looking at various neighborhoods and houses. 

I always love to look at houses, which I guess is what compelled me to attend real estate school years ago, though I never got a license.

We had a great time. She had picked up a large box of 72 K-cups for herself. So she brought me one as well. 

She gave me the second installment of the Cormoron Strike book series by Robert Galbraith/aka/JK Rowling, The Silkworm. 

I reviewed the first book she gave me here.

What The Pupsters Are Doing...

And just for kicks, here's what the silly pupsters are doing right now...

Though I hate having a dog bed on my couch, I can't bring myself to take that away from Charlie Ross. He dearly loves that spot.

Isn't it funny the things our pets do?

Book Review...

Here is the book I just finished:

The book revolves around a woman in her forties who is in prison for a white collar crime. 

But the characters in this book are varied. The women who work at the prison, along with several of the prisoners themselves. 

The premise of this book is what is going on in these women's lives as the years go by. 

The author manages to do a great job with the transitioning of characters. The voices were genuine and unique. The book flowed well.

I found the book quite interesting, and read it in two nights.

Another Book To Start...

I guess tonight I'll start the Robert Galbraith book that my daughter just finished. She is now reading the third in this series as I begin the second.

It is so nice that we enjoy the same genre of books and we have discussions about them.

Plans For The New Year?

The new year is almost here. Got any special plans?  

Of course the Urge To Purge de-cluttering/purging series will begin. 

I'll be starting to think about my spring garden, though it is some months away. The planning and creating is so much fun. I think you gardeners out there would agree.

Bathroom Plans?

I'm thinking about doing some renovating of my 1960's bathroom. That may be one of my next projects. 

It is the only area I really haven't done much too yet in my apartment.

So today I will enjoy the sunlight slanting in my window and the companionship of the pupsters.

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