Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Charlie's Eye Procedure

We just got back from the eye specialist. Charlie went to his regular vet this morning. And then we went to the eye specialist this afternoon.

Unlike Abi, Charlie does not like to have his photo taken. I wanted to show you his alien green eye. But he would not cooperate. 

The doctor did a procedure called kera (something) ablation. Hope I'm spelling that right. It is not on my invoice. He will go back to be examined just before Thanksgiving.

The doctor said Charlie's eye would heal. It was some type of a deep ulcer. That gave me hope, because he's been one pitiful hound dog for two months now. 

He is tired and asleep on the ottoman where my feet are supposed to be. But usually there's a dog sleeping there.

I know you all were concerned about my boy, and I sure appreciate your comments and hope that he would get some relief. 

So I think maybe we'll be on the mend now. Mama will just have to eat months for a month.

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