Monday, July 11, 2016

The Day That Fashion Passed Me By

I distinctly remember when I felt that fashion was, essentially, passing me by. 

I was living in East Texas and one of my favorite stores was Coldwater Creek. I was so excited when they came to town. I'd been shopping from their site for years. 

Then one day I walked in and strolled down the aisles. And not one thing appealed to me. 

I recall getting the attention of a sales clerk, (the place was all but empty), and I asked her what had happened to all the pretty clothes they used to sell.

She explained to me that the company was trying to get the attention of the "thirties and under woman" and had restructured their clothing lines. Or something to that effect. 

I remember telling her that when I was under 30, I didn't have the money to shop in their kind of store. And when I was over 40 and could afford it, they no longer had one item of clothing that appealed to me.

With that, I walked out of the store, never to return. 

Jeans had gone below the navel. How many women my age could get away with that during menopause? 

Tops were tight. How could I possibly pull that off?

I felt betrayed in a way. Were women over 40 supposed to just lie down and die?
Then I got a divorce and moved here.

I told myself I didn't care about fashion any longer. And I guess I really didn't for awhile. 

But then, something just aligned with the stars. All of a sudden, I was seeing styles that appealed to me again. 

Oh, pretty clothes, where have you been hiding???

I haven't busted out the pocketbook to purchase anything yet. But now I get a little excited when I see these new-to-me styles. 

Because after my ankle accident, I gained 20 pounds. Which means most of my clothing is gathering dust in the closet. 

And I don't have the kind of money I had when I walked into Coldwater Creek that day at least 10 years ago.

But light is beginning to glow at the end of the fashion tunnel.

So yesterday I started a Pinterest board on fashion. Something I thought I'd never do. 

You see, there are some women who can get through menopause and still have a flattering figure. 

But there are probably many, many more that lose that shape they once admired in the mirror. 

And lose their confidence along with it. 

I am one of those women.

It isn't that I didn't want to look pretty. It's that fashion had passed me by. And after awhile, I ceased to allow myself to care. 

Or so I thought.

It isn't fair. No. No it's not.

We can't stop the clock. 

But perhaps we've been searching for beauty in all the wrong places. 

Many of us over 50 women have learned how to live alone, and love and embrace the simple things in life. 

We've learned that our time is important and to finally surround ourselves with people we actually like. 

Many of us have had babies (and have the stretch marks to prove it). Our bodies have morphed into something we no longer recognize, but have to live with and find clothing for.

Magazines and advertisements may not tell us we're beautiful.

So we have to tell ourselves that we are, and not let fashion leave us in the dust. (We don't have to follow trends.)

And then we've got to find clothing that will work with our curves. So we can look in the mirror and feel good about ourselves again.

Blogs I have found that I'll be watching...

A Well Styled Life
Best Of Everything After 50
Chic At Any Age

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